Kia ora! (I was born in New Zealand. Going back to my ROOTS)
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This is what IB feels like. |
Well, last week wasn’t that bad, since we had Friday off as a public holiday. The late King Soubhuza II’s birthday.
Swaziland must be the ONLY country in the world where the entire country’s internet can go down for 20 hours due to ‘upgrading’! Hahahaha.
Last Saturday, we held the annual school fête … A big event in Mbabane apparently. -(‘Anything is a big event in a country like Swaziland’- Amilcar of Mozambique.)- It was great, with tens of stalls up selling all sorts of food and games. It was not as big as it was hyped up to be, but it was a great event all the same.
To that person who pinched my precious Wimbledon wallet: I don't like you.
To that person who pinched my precious Wimbledon wallet: I don't like you.
Last week I had several pieces of work/tests. I studied for Maths and French, and did quite miserably. However, in the economics test, I DIDN’T study, and got 27/30! My 1500 word TOK essay, which I had just winged during two hours of mid-term came back as 18/20. Lesson learnt: Don’t study, get bad results. Last minute study, get 90%. XD
What else did I get to this week? Well I have started coaching beginners/intermediate tennis. Coached Rori last week, and I must say, I was very impressed with how much she learned in the first session. She was hitting perfect forehands after one hour, having started with nothing. (What I am really saying is I was very impressed with my coaching skills :P ). The activity is supposed to expand to about 3 people next week.
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Yeah... This is what the net looks like after my serves... oops :/ |
Oh yeah, by the way, I was reading the news of rugby. Apparently at the RWC England are going to play Argentina in their away strip. Which is Black. NZ media and public got so mad at this… Um… I don’t really see the issue here. I don’t think England are trying to annoy or ‘play mind games’ with the All Blacks. (who would?) Even Richie McCaw said its no big issue. Calm down NZ media! But come on All Blacks! This year is your year! We gonna take the World Cup!
Oh by the way, someone keep some EGG SAUSAGE for me eh! Hahahahaha. Yes, I still read the Fiji Times from here now and again! :P How does it taste? I was laughing when I read that!
Speaking of the media, I wish I could become a celebrity just so I could attack the media. I read an article about Justin Bieber in Hawaii with Selena Gomez. (Don't judge me. There's a reasonable explanation). Is every single move documented and analyzed and scrutinized? One of Justin’s twitter updates got torn apart by a newspaper HALF AN HOUR after it was published! Poor guy. And to all those girls who are furious at Selena Gomez as if she stole JB from them personally, sorry, but GET REAL. Ok, I don’t know how the heck I started talking about Justin Bieber but while I am, I’d just clarify I’m not a huge fan of him, but I’m not a hater. He gets so much hate from everyone, but I’ll be different. His music is not bad. I’ll admit what most people won’t. He’s a pretty chill guy too. Just saying.
Gosh was last week THAT uneventful that I’m talking about Justin Bieber? Thank God it’s nearly end of term!
On a more serious note: Some things just make me lose hope in humanity. But then almost always that hope is revived by actions of others. The bomb blast and shooting in Oslo were shocking. At least 90 people, mainly teenagers shot dead. Some of the Norwegian students here lost friends. I don’t know what sick minded person can shoot an eleven year old kid dead, but… The Norwegian community here was understandably in shock. Everyone else is feeling a bit down in general. But out of this terrible event, I think one of the most beautiful things I have seen was the support and care given here by students of different races and religions and regions of the world. If only the world was a bit more like this. It would be a better place.
Thoughts and prayers to those in Noway. |
Ok. This might or might not be my last update from Swaziland this term. (Yes yes, I know, that last sentence had no point at all). I'll try one from Hong Kong. It’s been a great term, from bushfire to the 24 hour run to the fete to the rugby tournaments. Not done yet though unfortunately! Moce for now. ;)
Mrs Kissun must not read this.