Heya! :) This will be my last blog post. I couldn't end the term with a post on Justin Bieber!
Johannesburg from the air |
Hong Kong |
Well, this term has flown by. It's quite funny how the days and classes seem long yet the weeks seem so short.
Well, the trip from Swaziland to Johannesburg was interesting enough, particularly after the luggage trailer broke and spilt some of the luggage onto the road! Apart from that there were not many setbacks and the long 7 hour journey went quite smoothly. Anna, Emily, Dimitri and I decided to become smart and start making up our own jokes. Most were so stupid and unfunny they became funny.
Q: What can be Black or White, and gives milk?
A: The milkman! :)
Q: What car does spongebob drive?
A: A Waterford! :D
They were funnier on the bus.
Macau |
Kasper and Dilys and I stayed at a Bed and Breakfast as we were flying out the next day. That night we went to the mall near the airport. The mall is like Mbabane but supersized! The shops were amazingly huge. Especially the supermarket. It was bigger than the mall in Swaziland! Hmmm... Apartheid IS over, right? Its just that as we were sitting down at a restaurant for dinner, Dilys suddenly pointed out that she and I were the only two non-White people there, and that all the workers were Black. (awkward). We three played a game: spot a mixed group. At the end of the night, noone had. We watched Harry Potter. GOOD film. Just the ending. Anticlimax! Doh!
funny signs in Macau |
Ximena and I thought it would be a great idea to throw in some Bollywood moves into tango. The teacher shook his head at the sight, and not in the Indian way!
Dilys and I had a loong flight the next day to Hong Kong. I watched Inception(watch it!), Rio, part of Lilo and Stitch and some documentary about the moon. And part of Bambi. (What? its my childhood!) We arrived 13 hours later at 730am Hong Kong time, not sure what day it is. Oh I forgot to mention, my parents had come to Hong Kong 3 days earlier! So we went to their hotel after fare-welling Dilys. After some rest we visited Macau. Cool place. Seriously. But I am not going to bore you with every step we took.
The view out my hotel room which
was on the top floor! |
Oh oh and guess who'll be doing the opening solo in the Tango performance in next term's concert? Yeah. Me. And Rudi. With a soccer ball! How cool would that be, tangoing with a soccer ball? When Fazil first heard of it his response 'is it tango or ballroom dancing?' Weilei.
THe picture says it all |
Next day we went to the peak of Hong Kong, and wow. The tram was pretty cool. Anyways as our plane was leaving at 4 we had to go to the airport. I really didn't want to fly again. We did fly again. Not as bad as I expected, cause I was tired and SLEPT! haha. We landed in Fiji and hey, I was home! Sunny Fiji! :) No huge buildings, no nice roads, but its home.
I am writing this from home. Weird. Anyways I am not making anymore blogs until next month. Byeee! (Hellooo!)
Interesting website. Keep blogging!